Our Mission:

To solidly connect as a team, in order to serve our partners
by innovating, crafting and delivering the highest quality extrusions.

Our Good Old-Fashioned Values:

Honesty. Hard Work. Open Communication. Mutual Respect.

This mission is so important to me because our very name, Praxis, means walking the walk, not just talking the talk. It is taking all our theories and putting them into practice, acting on them and making them a part of who we are.
As individuals and as a company.
— Elissa Hay, Office Manager and owner
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On Who We Are

Cam Hay, CEO and Owner

When talking about our company, many people ask: “what do you do”? It’s easy to quickly rattle off a few things: “we’re a plastics manufacturer”, or “we’re a profile extruder for the window and door industry”. I have never liked those answers. I don’t like it because I think it’s the wrong question – “what do you do”? I’d rather tell people about who we are, and how that effects what we do. Howard Schultz, the founder of Starbucks, said “we’re not in the coffee business serving people, we’re in the people business serving coffee”. He got it. The coffee was secondary; the experience, the welcoming, the humanity – that is what mattered. The “who we are” translated into “what we do”. And that’s why we’re called Praxis – we put ideas into action, we put theory into reality. Praxis is not in the plastics business – we’re in the solutions business. There are a lot of plastics suppliers out there; try partnering with a solutions supplier and experience the difference.

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